09 September 2012

What I am is what I am

I am still getting used to actually saying I live in NYC.  At least twice a week, I think to myself, "I really live here (either with a question mark or an exclamation, depending on what is occurring).

I am a teacher.  I love teaching people of all ages about things of all topics.

I am a friend.  But, I am really not good at keeping in regular contact with people.  Before I moved to NYC, my mother and father (in StL) reminded me that I rarely visited or called them while I lived only 15 minutes away - they told me that I had to keep in touch more regularly after I moved hundreds of miles away.  I don't like that I do it, but I am always there for people and it is always as though no time has passed.

I am a former athlete who is really struggling with the new body I have.  I don't mind having curves, but am really struggling with the lessening of muscle and the addition of fat to places I never knew it could be.  It's been over a decade since I was competitive, but for a long time after, I still had a great body.  I guess since hitting 30, my body has rejected its former self.  I know I should accept it, but I don't want to.

I am becoming more open and opinionated as I get older.  And I don't really care to hold back my thoughts all the time as I used to when I was younger.

I am a people watcher.  And this is the perfect city for me to do it - though I have to be more secretive about it on the subways... can't gaze at people for too long.

This was hard, this was my Stream of Consciousness Sunday post.  Today's prompt, "I am _____."  You can link up or read other's I Am statements by visiting Jana's Thinking Place each Sunday..  You can write on this prompt.  You can write on any other topic.  It is five minutes of free writing.

It is usually pretty cathartic.


  1. I am SO JEALOUS that you live in NYC! I love reading more about you. This is a wonderful list of things that make YOU, well, YOU.

    1. It has been great so far! Thanks for reading.

  2. I people watcher in NYC. Could there be any better spot? Glad to get to know you better.

    1. It is such a great place to people watch - no matter if it is out of my apartment window, walking down the street, on the subway, or at a happy hour.

  3. I am very much a people watcher!!

  4. Hi there. I'm feeling pretty good because I've been exercising, so as much as i'm not found of exercising I have come to enjoy in 30 days the effects it has on my 41 year old body. I won't get the old body bach, but at least I can feel good in the new and improved one.

    1. I need to figure out which type of exercise suits my body (and my time schedule) now. I don't want to add bulk, but also don't want to be weak. I know I can't get that body back, but still want to get to a point where I like most of what I see. (I know it sounds horrible that I don't like all that I see in the mirror, but I really liked what I had before.)

  5. Wandering by from SOCS ...

    Wow, I can really relate to your post - well, except that I've never been athletic, don't live in NYC, and am waaay older.

    But, try as I might, I'm lousy at keeping in touch; did not like the changes that hit my body at 30, and love to share my opinions on just about anything with just about anyone.

    1. ;-)

      Glad I'm not alone in life! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I hope you are settled or settling! One of my favorite things to do is people watch. You are in the right place for that!

    I hear you on the body thing! It changes for sure and gets harder to, not so much retain, but to have the react the way we want from exercise. You still doing yoga? I desperately need to get back to that,

    1. Thanks!

      It is so hard as I get older. It used to be so simple to keep the same body, now it is a challenge to make sure it doesn't change more.

      I am still doing yoga, but it is not for as long each morning as I used to do it. Now it is about 20 minutes instead of an hour and 15 minutes. Sucks, but that is life. I need to find a way to do it longer (waking up earlier is just so hard) and to incorporate some sort of cardio into my days.


I share my thoughts and would love to read your thoughts, too.