Statistics on youth STDs and youth AIDS are astounding.
Some quick facts:
In the USA
* As many as one-third of those infected with HIV do not know they are HIV positive.
* At least one-half of all new HIV infections are estimated to be among those under the age of 25.
* Although African Americans and Latinos represent 12 percent and 14 percent of the U.S. population respectively, in 2002, they accounted for 50 percent and 20 percent of newly reported AIDS cases.
* Women are estimated to account for 30 percent of new HIV infections.
* African American women account for 64 percent of new HIV infections among women and Latinas account for 18 percent.
Throughout the world
* The global HIV/AIDS pandemic has claimed over 20 million lives.
* Every 7 seconds someone contracts HIV.
* Forty million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
* Every 11 seconds someone dies from HIV.
* AIDS is now the fourth leading cause of death worldwide and the number one cause of death in Africa.
* Women make up a growing percentage of adults living with HIV/AIDS around the world, rising from 41percent in 1997 to 50 percent in 2002.
* Young people ages 15-24 account for 42 percent of new HIV infections and represent almost a third of the global total of people living with HIV/AIDS.
It really makes me fearful for all the students I teach when I (over) hear stories of their weekends, or see one guy get with a girl (or vise versa) right after the girl was with a different guy the week before. I also worry about all the people out there who are just not thinking smart when it comes to getting tested or who are doing things for a few moments of pleasure rather than thinking about themselves or the partner/needle etc. they are with at the time.
Rates of infection in the African American community and in various communities in nations in Africa.
Some sites to check out:
* World Vision - Building a better world for children
* World AIDS Campaign - Stop AIDS. Keep the promise.
* US Department of Health and Human Services - HIV Awareness Days: Educate, motivate, and mobilize against HIV/AIDS
* - Serves as an information gateway to drive traffic to Federal domestic HIV/AIDS information and resources.
* National HIV Testing Resources - Find an HIV testing site near you
* World AIDS Day - HIV: Let's Get Talking
* UNAIDS - Uniting the world against AIDS
* - Information. Education. Action.
* World AIDS Day -Yahoo site. Allows you to go over nations and see how many in each have HIV
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