15 May 2012

I teach. What's your superpower?

I love when I get to share my pride in students I teach.  I love letting the students know that I noticed their great actions and their insight and their just plain awesomeness.  I love even more when I get to do it in front of others including their family and friends.

Yesterday was one of those days.

We had an awards banquet for our students and each teacher got to pick four students to honor.  We could chose it based on attendance, grades, improvement, or any other criteria we deemed valuable.

It took me quite some time to narrow down my selections - a good dilemma to have.  I hope the students appreciated it and I hope that it motivates them even more to strive to do well in and out of the classroom.

Several students in the program started out failing, started out hating school, started out not wanting to continue school.  I, and my awesome colleagues, have been able to help these kids achieve success and to learn to love learning.

Everyone is good at something.  Everyone touches people in some way.

What is your superpower?


  1. I completely agree: Teaching *is* a superpower!

    1. Thanks! Fortunately, I don't have to wear a cape.

  2. Trust me, they will know and they will remember. You always remembber your great teachers.

    As for my superpower, I have no idea!

    1. Thanks! It always feels great when a former student comments on a class or an action or a thought from when s/he was in my class.

      I'm sure you have some things you are great at... writing for one.

    2. Maybe. It's easy to see the greatness in others not so easy in my self sometimes! Thanks.

  3. I have so much respect for teachers. In theory, I'd love to teach, but I have so little patience I know I wouldn't make a good one. Bless you for having the strength to help inspire the upcoming generations.

    1. Patience is key, along with creativity. Thanks for the kind words.

  4. Wow, teaching is such an admirable superpower. I wish that was mine.

    My Kryptonite is patience and chaos. My superpower: finding the good in people (until they beat it out of me).

    Enjoyed the post!

    1. Finding good in people and being able to show that to others is a great superpower (and a hidden way of teaching people)!

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Yay for you and your collegues! I respect and admire teachers as it is often an overlooked and under appreciated profession and you are teaching our children and our future. My 3 sibs are all teachers (i am the the non teacher...) and I see how the kids always remember them even years later they visit. My superpower if I have one is my crafting. I know when I teach someone "how" to make something it brings them joy, or if I make them something they are also happy. Thanks for visiting and your kind encouragement!

    1. Your crafts are definitely one of your superpowers!! I hope you inform me when you are ready to start selling!

      Thanks for the compliments. It is sometimes a very hard profession, but the little victories make it worth it. Congrats to your siblings as well for teaching.

  6. I have the utmost respect for teachers! Superpowers for the super people who educate our youngsters.I have to agree with Winnie it is often an under appreciated, underpaid profession.

    There is a resurgence in our area of late 2o somethings and 3o somethings entering into the classroom, it's rather exciting to see my kids friends as teachers in the classes where they were once students.

    My superpower is in the kitchen, I love to cook and entertain, especially my family and friends.

    1. I love seeing young people entering the profession!

      And I am totally jealous of your superpower! I watch cooking shows in awe!


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