Today I received my summative evaluation. Included is a section on my professional responsibilities and how I am a member of the learning community. This is where you would think there would be a long list of the four preps I teach, of the fact that I have written three of them from scratch, that I proposed an African Studies course that has come to be the class to be in, the way I have incorporated technology beyond what the eMints training has taught, my part in social justice cohort that started this year and how I have been able to help students and teachers better understand themselves and people of other races within and outside of that training, how I am head of the 4-12 social studies department, how I am part of the TLC committee, how I am mentor to 4 girls and a few boys in the school (and how all my mentees have stayed in school and are now officially graduated), how I have seriously turned around the track team from being really, quite sorry, to having state champions and having the boys team place in the top 4 for the first time in 20 years, how I use the track team to help make sure students are academically and behaviorally sound unlike some of the other coaches in the school who allow their athletes to consistently fail their classes and not behave well in school.
I handle mine.
None of this is included. Well, there is one sentence:
She is an effective member of her CAT team and has worked hard as the leader of that team.Then it goes on to a paragraph on how I turned in a reflection document late. A paragraph. On how I turned a reflective piece in late. A reflective piece that is never to be read by anyone. Seriously. In the four years I have been at the school, the reflective pieces and the pieces I am reflecting on have not once been read. This year the original piece I was to reflect on was turned in by me back in September. It was not realized that the secretary or the principal lost the document until the beginning of May.
Yet I am in trouble for not turning in the reflection on time. I have a paragraph written in my summative evaluation about how I did not turn it in on time and how that "delayed the preparation of [the] document." Even though, nowhere in the document did it mention anything that I had in the original document or the reflective document. How did I delay the preparation if the document had nothing to do with my documents? Help me understand.
Ok. Enough blabbing.
Long story short:
I have had enough. I have had enough of not being acknowledged for what I do in the classroom, out of the classroom, on the track, at workshops, with teachers, with students, with administration. I have had enough of being overly stressed by all the duties alloted to me. I love the kids, that was enough to keep me here this year, but not enough for me to put myself through all that another year.
I've talked about how I wish a mo-fo would. Well, these mo-fos did. And the result is not going to be a good one (at least not for them, for me it is a return to my sanity):
I am up. I am out. I am done.
Peace out, bitches, I'm dippin' out.
Good luck finding a replacement.
They can suck it, shove it, lick it, and kiss it.