19 May 2008

Supporting equality through your purchases

I am still reading through different blogs people wrote for last week's Blogger's Unite for Human Rights day. You can see some of the links to sites here. I came across Jeff McCord's blog. He wrote about buying for equality -- supporting businesses that support equality. The Human Rights Campaign has a site set up where you can download a guide that lets you know which businesses support equality, which are taking steps toward supporting, and which blatantly do not support equality. It's color coordinated for ease of reading.

Check it out: Buying for Equality.


  1. I appreciate the link to my blog post about Buying for Equality. Thank you so much!

    It's a very important topic!

    Jeff McCord

  2. This is great but do you know if there is a similar organization that rates US businesses and their human rights policies related to their practices in other countries, especially less developed ones?
    A social justice ally

  3. I will look into the US business human rights policies internationally.


I share my thoughts and would love to read your thoughts, too.