11 August 2012

Saturday Quote: Two primary choices in life

As I get ready for this big move, this is a quote that really speaks to me.


  1. Praying for you to find peace with your choices and that it becomes the best choice you made in your life (this year) sorry but I know we all have made great choices and bad choices so who can I be to say this will be the best but I am hoping for you it is OKAY :]

    1. Thank you!! I know we don't know if this will be a great choice, but hopefully, I can make great things come from it even if everything does not work out great.

  2. Definitely the responsibility to change them, or at least try!

    Thanks for sharing these quotes, you are always a source of inspiration and motivation.

    1. Thank you and you are welcome!

      I love quotes and love reading and rereading them for motivation; it feels right to share them.

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it great?!

      Easy, yet, hard at the same time, though, right?

  4. Replies
    1. I love it, and am trying to live by it.


I share my thoughts and would love to read your thoughts, too.