30 March 2012

I don't play that!

Sometimes I wonder about young people today.  Many of them seem to have some sort of a complex that leads them to believe that they are the ones that control any situation they encounter.

Yesterday, in track practice a normally calm and cool coach snapped at one of our athletes.  She approached him, stood right next to him, and proceeded to correct his directions to an athlete on how to properly take a relay handoff.  She even told the coach that he was wrong and that the way she explained it was the right way.  What she actually told the girl to do made no sense.

Today, in class, I had a student tell me that she just didn't feel like doing the assignment that was given.  She said that she would just do it after the weekend.  I told her that the assignment was for now, that we would be doing something different on Monday, and that she needed to suck it up and do the work that was in front of her.  She reluctantly filled in some of the information for the assignment.

I have several students who feel that they can just wander around the school wherever they want to.  I have had students who (before I let them know that this is not acceptable) will just walk out of class.  Others who are not in my class will sometimes just barge into class to talk with another student.

There are some teachers who must tolerate this behavior, otherwise, the students would not be doing it.

So, in their classrooms, I guess the kids run things and the students can do a lot of what they want.

I think this connects to the parenting style of some people.

There are a lot of parents who are very lenient with their children.  (My child is my best friend. WTF?!)  On several occasions I have had students receive a phone call from their parents.  In. The. Middle. Of. Class.  The student answers, because, for some reason I still think that there must be some sort of emergency for the parent to call during school hours, and the call turns out to be for some mundane thing. "No, Mom, I am staying after school today."  "Mom, I did fill in the job application." "Mom, the reason you can't get through on her phone is because her phone is cut off."  "Yes, Mom, I have my soccer socks."  And incidentals that are no reason to call your kid during school hours.

Today, I had a student tell me that since it was Ac Lab time (basically like a study hall) she could talk on her phone despite me letting her know that the rules say phones should only be out during passing periods.  She proceeded to walk into the hall and make a call to another person to talk about another girl they both seem to not like.

I proceeded to write a discipline referral.

I'm not a parent, and I can't completely judge parents, but I can say that I think it is best to be the parent and not the friend.  I think it is best to not be calling or texting your child during school hours.  Most people who are parents now did not have cell phones as much when we were younger.  Our parents survived without talking to us during school time.

I overhear these students talking about how they can do whatever they want at home.  Some of them talk about how their parents buy them alcohol, and others, smoke out with their parents (not cigarettes).  This is not an "inner-city", "minority" school.  We are in the suburbs.  We are surrounded by "affluent" homes and nice neighborhoods.

These parents seem to continue to enable their children to the point where their children become our students/athletes who think that they can manipulate their teachers and coaches the same way that they tend to do their parents.

And, I guess, it works with many of the faculty at the school.

I don't play that.


  1. Man, I can so relate to this post! First, I can't and will not put up with disrespect or that "whatever" attitude that so many have today. I just don't think we're doing children/ youth a favor when we let them get away with that type of behavior. You're right - suck it up!!

    1. I, too, can't stand the whole "whatever" attitude. It's as though nothing matters, even though it does matter to many of the young people. I guess they just put up a front that they don't care.

  2. It's probably a good thing that the students have you setting an example. Otherwise they may never see acceptable behavior

    1. Thanks. I hope that they are getting something out of my example... besides them thinking that I am being mean or that I am taking things too seriously.

  3. Good for you. And you know, or I hope you know, that by being firm you are building respect in them that (unfortunately?) some of them may not even recognize til they are out of school.

    Good for you, even if they could care less.

    1. Thanks. I hope they are getting this from me. Unfortunately, like I wrote in another post, whether they get something or not is something that I may never know as a teacher unless they come back and tell me in their later years.

  4. What!? That's how kids are getting down? That's soooo crazy to me. I can't imagine us in school (you know where) doing that. Or someone coming into the class to come talk to us! Lol, I'd be terrified! I'm glad at least you're setting some boundaries. Parents trying to be kids friends Was happening when we were in school and it was as ludicrous then as it is now.

    As far as writing, I didn't really realize you were doing a program. I was like man Ada is hardcore about her blogging! I think as a happy medium, you should write everyday, but post only when you feel it's something you feel is post worthy. How does that sound?

    I'm all subscribed now, so I'll get emails when you post. Sweet!! xoxo

    1. JCov, you are not lying... I remember going to some parties in HS where the parents were right there as kids were in the indoor gym getting wasted in so many different ways.

      I have been doing NaBloPoMo, where you are supposed to write each day. I did it in Jan, then started again the past two months. There are no penalties for not doing it, but I just feel like I have to fulfill my promise to post.

      I like your idea of writing and only posting the meaningful, post-worthy items.

      Thanks for following, and good luck as you work to figure out your next steps... I continue to love reading about your adventures!

  5. Kids mimic what they see. If their parents act like that, why should they act any different? Ugh. You are one courageous, dedicated lady for putting up with all that you do.

    1. I think it is even scarier to think that young people are mimicking what they see in their parents. Thanks for the compliment!


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