15 November 2012

Guys and dolls

I saw this on FB and thought it was brilliant.

I really can't stand all of the things people do to try and teach girls and boys to be the way society thinks they should be rather than just let them be.


  1. When I was at school girls had to do gymnastics, dance and netball....boys got football, rugby and basketball.

    I wanted to do football...I was told girls weren't allowed to do sports like that because we were "dainty".

    I played for a girls football team when I was in college so pffffftttt to that "dainty" idea!

    1. I am so in awe and jealous that you played football. I always wanted to in high school. And then after college found that StL had a women's team (the Slam), but then I got too lazy to want to work out, then I got a bad back, then I just gave up on the idea.

  2. That is great. I hate when people use gender to stereotype or limit someone in anyway. Funny thing, I never saw a professional sporting event until I was 17 when I was insistent that I go to the baseball game with my father (I had 3 brothers and he always took one of them when he has a ticket). I laugh when I think back to opening his world on what a boy/or girl should like to do.

    1. Glad you finally got to tag along.

      It is amazing how these stereotypes still exist... even with the pink/blue for babies based on their gender.


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