08 April 2012

Anxiousness with life situations

Sunday Stream of Consciousness prompt from all.things.fadra today: What causes you anxiety?  Not just stress but true anxiety.  How does your body and mind generally deal with it?  How do YOU deal with it?

Trying to figure out what I want to do with my life causes me anxiety.  When I think of all the options and all the things that I don't have complete control of, I start to breathe harder.  When I think of how I am aging and need to get on many of the things I want to accomplish, my stomach churns.

When I argue with my boo, it causes me anxiety.  I don't want to upset anything in our relationship and when I feel like things aren't going well, I start to sweat and my stomach does more than just churn.  I often have one of those Pepto-moments and have to rush to the bathroom (which often causes more drama since he thinks I might be trying to avoid the conversation).

My mind races and I have to try and calm it.  Sometimes, my mind becomes completely blank and I can't think of anything except what I am seeing around me.

I try and deal with all of this by doing something.  This could be yoga, or more purposeful searching to figure out what I am good at, how my skills can transfer to another occupation, and finding jobs to apply to.  With the boo, I try and keep things cool by not talking about things that cause drama - though this avoidance sometimes leads to bigger arguments when the topic finally does come up again.

I am getting a bit unsettled now just thinking of past scenarios with these two anxiety-causing situations and about my impeding move that still needs to take place before the end of three weeks, so that is all for my five minutes today.

You can take part in Stream of Consciousness Sunday or just see other people's posts.  Rules are you write whatever comes to your head for five minutes, not worrying about punctuation or spelling mistakes.

Just write.



  1. You what they say about birds of a feather? Yeah, you and I definitely flock together. I'm with you on every single anxiety-inducing situation. Every single one. Including reacting in the exact same way. My sympathies.

    1. Glad to be in good company... unfortunately it's not a great thing to have in common. But, I think we have ways to cope that seem to work a little. I wish you luck and thanks for coming through and hosting this each week!

  2. Relationship tension can be very, very stressful. Communicating honestly and openly is a skill, and it's a hard one to learn through trial and error.

    1. Stressful, indeed. Communication is easy and somehow hard at the same time. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Being a mom has caused me to be more anxious than I used to be. But one day, my bro told me this and all of the sudden things just starting to make sense to me. I can't worry/be-anxious about everything. I just need to ride it out and sometimes on things that I don't have control, I am just going to let it be and have faith. Sounds easier than done but I am trying each day and I am getting better.

    1. Your brother gives good advice! Let it be and have faith... easier said than done, though.

  4. I get stressed when I'm doing things that are out of line with my own priorities. Sometimes I realize I'm getting stressed and have to step back, look at what I'm doing, and figure out how it's going against my own priorities.

    Communication almost always helps me. More communication = less stress. Almost always.

    I like Journey of Life's comment about how we can't worry about everything. Sometimes I try to worry about everything! It's good to remind myself to let things go if I can't change them. =)


    1. Good point with the stress coming from going against your priorities. Thanks for coming through!


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