09 April 2012

H is for Homework

I am done with schooling and the typical, academic form of homework  (unless you ask my father, who says I need to go after a PhD).

However, I know that when I leave work, there is always home work to be done - work to get ready for the next school day, work to be done at the house, and work to be done to improve my life.  There are conversations to be had, food to be prepared, things to get rid of, packing to be done, a new abode to be found, and more.

I know I need to focus on the home work at hand so that my life will be better, relationships will be better, and the nutritional content of my meals will be better.  I can't put things off any more, lest I continue to make excuses as my students do for procrastinating on what needs to be finished.  I'm taking the blinders off and seeing what is clearly happening - me coming home after a 12+-hour day, only wanting to chill, watch old tv shows, and play an occasional game of WWF or Hanging With Friends.

Although this is often incredibly relaxing and mentally unchallenging, I need to find a way to balance that sense of relief that the outside day is over and the need to finish the home work that needs to be done.


  1. I have two children in college and one getting ready to join the military. I am so so glad that my own personal homework days are over! Although there is still so much to learn - - every day lessons abound!

    1. Congrats on your success with your children! There is always much to learn! I guess that is part of life.

  2. Wow can I ever relate to this. There is never enough time in the day...ever! Hope you find some time for you home work! It makes a difference for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by over at A Second Heart!

    1. Thanks! It totally makes a difference, that's what I have to remember as I try and organize (utilize) the time in the day. Thanks for coming through!

  3. I know exactly how you feel! Sometimes I just want to laze infront of a cheesy film instead of dealing with reality.

    What's working for me, so far, is scheduling some of my free time towards my writing etc in a spreadsheet.

    Perhaps if you look at your "outside day" as finished ONLY once you've got the preparations for the next day out of the way? It's hard to keep working once you have that "ahhhnd relax" feeling!

    1. I like the idea of scheduling time for necessary activities. Then, I'll know when a certain time comes, I. Am. Free!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Haha, I never thought of all the things that lie in wait to make me feel guilty every time I get home from work as homework! Perfect description, though. Like you, I always end up having a snack and watching TV with the niggling sense at the back of my mind that I should be doing something else. We should follow the advice we were given when we were children and get it done straight away, so that we can relax afterwards :-)

    1. It really is home work, isn't it. My parents used to always tell me your advice about doing it first and then being able to relax afterward. I really need to heed that advice!


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