24 April 2012

U is for Unbelievably Cool Movie

One Day On Earth is a film that documents stories from people from all the countries in the world (not sure which numbers they are using since some countries nationhood is internationally questioned - I believe the movie shows 190 countries).

But how unbelievably cool is it that the movie shows a portion of life from EVERY COUNTRY on the SAME DAY?!?!

It took them over a year to edit and translate the film, but it finally debuted on Earth Day 2012 (April 22).

Here is a trailer for the film:

One Day on Earth - Global Screening Trailer from One Day on Earth on Vimeo.


  1. sounds very cool. where is it being shown?

    1. You can preorder the DVD to host a local screening... http://www.onedayonearth.org/screenthefilm


I share my thoughts and would love to read your thoughts, too.