13 March 2013

Semi-wordless Wednesday: Beaver-cat & Girl

I'm helping sponsor a new club at school.  It is all about teaching girls how to code on computers so that more women end up in computer science jobs.

I love it.

In the first few meetings, I have learned to create images with code.

Here is my drawing - created by typing in the codes on the left of the image.

Behold: Beaver-cat & Girl


  1. Stuff like that gives me a headache :) I think it's awesome, I am just not a math-y, science-y brained person.

    1. It's not as hard as it seems. All the directions are on the lower part of the page: http://www.khanacademy.org/cs/new

      Try it out. You can even start simple with a triangle or rectangle.

  2. Very nice!

    Way back in the early 1980s we had an Apple II computer. Most tasks had to be programmed using Basic. Never could get the hang of it.

    1. I used to love the Apple IIe - I remember making a little turtle move on it by saying RT90, FD50, LT90, etc. I think those were the letters for right, forward, and left.

  3. YAY! YAY! YAY!

    We just started a dojo for kids at the hackerspace of which I'm a board member. I'm so very excited to get girls interested in writing code! And I am so very happy that you're participating in it too!

    Full disclosure: I totally clapped and squeed in my out loud voice when I read this post.

    1. I love that it got you excited!! I am loving the club and wish more girls would join (and that I'd had it as a student)!

      Good luck with your dojo!


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