11 April 2012

J is for Juvenile

I am glad I am not a teenager anymore, but I am not quite sure I am ready to be old.  And, what is old now, anyway?  When I was a small kid, I thought that 40 was old.  Now, I'm not sure that some people I know who are in their 70s are really considered old.

I love it when I am with friends and can just laugh and play and be like a juvenile kid with no worries.

Here is a picture someone took of me and adjusted with Aging Booth app.

Kid Sis #2 says I'll still be pretty when I am old and decrepit.

I say this is what I will look like in two weeks if I stop using all the creams and lotions that I apply each day.


  1. Haha! Gotta love those creams! And, you WILL be a beautiful senior citizen :)

  2. Haha love the AgeBooth photo! I'm sure you'll age very gracefully :) I have also pushed the "old" age bracket further away, as I move up in numbers!

    1. Thanks! Old is just not what we imagined it when we were younger, is it?

  3. My 6 year old grandson asked his mother to please NOT get wrinkles when she turns 40....SIX!!!!
    And 40? A long time ago!

    1. That is really cute! Or scary, if he won't like her with wrinkles.

  4. Love this post! When I was young I taunted a cousin of mine who was turning 30; saying he was ancient! When I turned 30 last year I was devastated and all my words came back to haunt me!! Having once thought my self not to be vain I now have a full stocked shelf of old lady creams, eye creams and hand creams...Oh well time to embrace adulthood, although I still feel like a teenager at heart ;-)

    1. I used to think life was going to be over when I turned 25. I cried for days before that birthday came!! Years later, I am still alive and now don't even think 60 is old.


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