07 October 2012

Oats, sweats, and arms

In an effort to not buy a box of cereal and eat the whole thing in two-three sittings, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast and continued that for about 2 and a half years - only stopped after I moved to NYC and didn't have a kitchen suitable to cooking.  Now that I have counter space and it is clean(er - almost to my standards) I may go back to the oatmeal mixed with granola breakfast.

That is one of the things that make me feel cozy in the mornings - even in the warm summer months.

Another thing is my college track and field sweatshirt.  I love it and need to bring it back from StL when if I can get back there for Thanksgiving.  When I told the track crew my size, I was still in my oversized clothing phase, so, despite my growth since those years, it is still huge on me.  I must have really looked crazy when I was in school, much smaller and swimming in that sweatshirt.

Coziness is also the feeling of being in my BFs arms.  It just feels right and safe - even though I know that there is so much craziness going on around me.

This is my Sunday Stream of Consciousness with Jana's prompt, "What makes you feel cozy and safe?"  You can see others' posts and join in at her site, Jana's Thinking Place.


  1. It's amazing how comforting a bowl of oatmeal can be. It does have a tendency to make you feel safe because it's healthy and it makes you feel all cozy and warm inside, too. Looks like you're blessed with many things in your life that make you feel good about life; that's what it's all about. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It really is a winter comfort food. And thanks, I am pretty blessed with some things in life.

      Thanks for visiting!

  2. I have a wonderful oatmeal recipe for the microwave (no space needed). Shoot me an e-mail if you want it and I'll forward it to you. Sporadicpublication@me.com

  3. And now I want some oatmeal!

    1. I know. I haven't had any in over two months, but will start back again tomorrow morning.

  4. I love maple and brown sugar oatmeal and use to eat it year round when I was a kid.

    1. That was always my favorite when I got the prepackaged kind!! So good.

  5. Mmmm warm Porridge (oatmeal) and cosy cuddles love them both!

    1. Cosy cuddles are great! I used to love reading stories where they called oatmeal porridge!

  6. I'm a fan of oatmeal as well. You're right it does make you feel cozy. Also, thanks for reminding about oatmeal and granola, several coworkers have been raving about it. Time to try it :).

    1. Oatmeal and granola is so great!! I would normally break up the Nature's Valley ones, but tomorrow I'm going to start trying a different granola cereal to just pour right in... hopefully it is good!

  7. Oatmeal is definitely a great comfort food - though I doubt I could eat that for breakfast everyday for 2 1/2 years. :)

    Great post. Makes me feel all warm and cozy.

    1. I didn't think I could go that long doing it, but I guess I just got used to it.

  8. "Coziness is also the feeling of being in my BFs arms" too cute *grin*

  9. Not a huge fan of oatmeal. But wearing the man of the house's huge-for-me Navy sweatshirt always makes me feel warm and cozy! (and connected to him even when he's out of the house)

    1. I don't know why it is that oversized clothes make us feel so comfy! I guess it's like having a person's arms around us... or something.

  10. I love oatmeal and sweatshirts---woohoo! Found you from Jana's place & SOC!

    1. Thanks for stopping in and sharing your own cozies on your blog!

  11. Oatmeal is the ultimate cozy breakfast.

    1. Definitely! I am going to go back to it tomorrow morning.

  12. I've never been able to work out how to make oatmeal. No matter how many times I try it turns into a gelatinous mess.

    1. Haha!! Perhaps you need more water when you mix it, or you could add some sort of milk.

  13. Mmm... I love oatmeal! And now I need some in my pantry!

    1. I know! I had to go buy some granola today so I can start making some oatmeal again tomorrow morning!

  14. I've never really been a huge fan of oatmeal but every now and then I crave it. It is something that seems warm and cozy.

    1. Sometimes, there is just something about it. Especially when you find a great flavor combination. I used to be drawn to the maple brown sugar.


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