16 October 2012

Getting ready for college

The school where I work is really college-focused.  I love it.

Yesterday the tenth graders went to a college fair most of the day.  Tomorrow the 10th graders will take their first PSAT (please don't get me started on my hatred of standardized tests and my hatred for the whole college ranking system).

In an effort to boost their moral and get them amped for the test, the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders each wrote a note of encouragement that was taped to a tenth graders locker this morning for them to read today and then tomorrow morning before the administering of the tests.

This morning, there was so much joy and appreciation on the faces of the tenth-graders.  To my annoyance and delight both, the tenth graders continued to read them sporadically throughout the day.

It was great.


  1. What a wonderful idea to have the other students encouraging them!! And to be able to see on their faces how much it affected them. I am so glad you shared this story with us!

    1. It was really great. And I've never seen a group of students work as hard as my little section did on the actual test. Usually, several kids in the group blow off the test in my past experience.

  2. That is a great idea. It sounds like it worked out really well!

  3. What an amazing idea to have encouraging words on your locker in a morning. What a way to start your day, can I come to your school, please miss??

    1. Haha!! There have been several days when I wished I had the opportunities they have when I was in school!


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